3 Days Of HR Recruitment Administration Eliminated in RCSI Hospital Group Through Process Automation
HR Management Solution Case Study – Royal College of Surgeons Ireland Hospital Group

Industry: Public Sector Government Healthcare Hospital Group
Headquarters: Dublin, Ireland
Services: Medicine, Healthcare, Public services, administration, HR, Management
The Challenge
The RCSI Hospital group receives approximately 150 post applications each week for critical roles in Nursing, Medical, Support, Admin, and other departments. The process for filling these roles must comply with the Post Approval process – however, this process was extensively manual, paper-based, and not standardised across clinical sites.The Solution
The Post Application Control System (PACS) is an Automated Solution developed to manage post applications for the RCSI Hospital Group to the Group Employment Control Committee (GECC). The solution alleviated the HR team in the group and the clinical sites, from manual, time-consuming processes in the application and approval process of multiple posts within the 7 hospital sites.
The Results
The PACS solution has successfully increased productivity throughout the GECC post approval process, by reducing the processing times of managing posts while applying standardisation to processes managed by the HR team in the group, clinical sites & the HSE GECC team. On average, PACS saves 3 Days per week in the RCSI Hospital Group HR Departments by eliminating manual processes for 120+ weekly post applications.
Key Benefits of the PACS System
Every week, the RCSI Hospital Group was faced with hundreds of requests to fill critical staff openings at their managed clinical sites. Faced with inefficient, highly manual, and unstandardised processes, they wanted a better and faster way of getting these posts approved to be filled at a Group control level.

The Situation
RCSI Hospital Group receive an average of 120-140 post applications each week from the clinical sites in the group requesting resources for hire in functions such as Nursing, Medical, Support, Admin etc. Each post requires approval at either the sub-committee level in the group or by the HSE Group Employment Control Committee (GECC).
The process for creating and approving posts at site and group level, was manual and not standardised across the clinical sites, with most using MS Excel in varying formats with inconsistent data captured. In many instances during the approval stage of the process, further information was required to complete the application, resulting in a large volume of emails and communications back and forth between the group & clinical sites personnel.
The Solution
About The Post Application Control Solution
The PACS solution is a unique, custom-built, cloud-based central database and portal, that provides functionality to submit, edit, update & approve post applications, while providing traceability of all application data and related communications made by users in the RCSI clinical sites and the RCSI hospital group.

An Advanced and Responsive HR & Vacancies Management Tool
The PACS Portal was developed for clinical site users, to create a post application by submitting relevant data such as, importantly the post funding source as well as the contract type, contract duration, grade, department, vacancy type, hours etc.
The PACS CRM component enables the RCSI Hospital Group and the HSE GECC to administer outcomes of these applications as well as enabling generation of a suite of post application status reports and an automated Approval to Hire form for every approved post.
PACS is enabled with post application status-driven-workflows which trigger the generation of automated notifications to relevant personnel in the post application process, as well as functionality to upload & manage associated documents required to support the approval of the application

Key Functionality & Features
- Intuitive User Portal & CRM
- Real-Time Post Application Status Reports
- Automated Approval to Hire Form
- Status Driven Workflows & Automated Notifications
- Funding Initiative Post Tracking
Key Technologies Used in this Solution

The Result
The automation and streamlined processes that PACS brought to the RCSI Hospital Group helped them to eliminate 3 days per week of HR Admin in managing more than 140 post applications every week.
Through PACS, the RCSI has been able to significantly shorten its time to approve applications to fill vacancies in its hospitals.
- Improved Process Standardisation Across Hospital Sites & Group
- Clean, Accurate & Robust Reporting
- Clear Audit Trail
- Enhanced User Engagement
- Real-Time Post Application Status Updates
- Centralised Capture of Communications Between Group & Hospital Site Personnel
- Improved User Experience
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