Emergency Accommodation National System
Ireland Leads Europe in Collaborative Approach to Managing Homelessness - underpinned by Modern Technology

1.5m Emergency Accommodation Placements
24/7 Homeless Management
National Multi Agency Centralised Access
High Security Data Platform
As part of Ireland’s European Commitment to ending homelessness by 2030 by supporting the Lisbon Declaration on Combatting Homelessness, “Reducing and preventing homelessness remains a top priority for the Irish Government. Recognising the particular challenges of homelessness, for families and for individuals, the Government will focus its efforts on reducing the number of homeless families and individuals and work with Local Authorities, NonGovernment Organisations (NGOs), Approved Housing Bodies (AHBs) and the HSE, to support people experiencing homelessness into long-term sustainable accommodation. Underpinning all elements is the criticality of interagency supports to address the complex combination of social, health and economic needs of homeless persons and those at risk of homelessness, in addition to their specific housing need.” (Source: A New Housing Plan for Ireland)
OpenSky have developed 2 national emergency accommodation systems which greatly contribute to the combatting of homelessness in Ireland. We see great opportunity in bringing our expertise and our successful platform to other Government agencies in Ireland, the UK and the EU where similar commitments to combat homelessness through the provision of emergency accommodation is required.

Client: Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration & Youth.
Solution: International Protection Accommodation Services (IPAS)
As a division of the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY), the International Protection Accommodation Service (IPAS) is responsible for the provision of accommodation and related services to people in the International Protection process. Under EU and International Law, Ireland is obliged to examine the claim of any person who arrives into the country and claims International Protection.
The Ukraine Invasion 2022
Since the Russian Invasion of Ukraine on 24 February, over 35,000 Ukrainians have entered Ireland seeking protection under the EU’s Temporary Protection Directive. To date over 35,000 have sought accommodation in Ireland.
DCEDIY was tasked with responding to this crisis by managing the acquisition and distribution of accommodation and accommodation support services to the Ukrainian refugees on arrival into Ireland. Within days of the first tranche of arrivals in early March, it became clear that a central digital platform was required to streamline the accommodation management process.
OpenSky and DCEDIY worked together and delivered an Enterprise Accommodation Management system within 4 weeks.
Change Management - An Enabler of Superior Government Agency Emergency Services
As sponsors of the 2022 CIO Leaders' Summit, we were extremely proud to co-share a case study of the immense success of the Emergency Accommodation platform with the DCEDIY in June.
The key driver to the success of the sub-4 week provision of the emergency platform was Change Management, supported by;
- Exemplary ICT governance
- Immense willingness - the true engine behind a human-centred service delivery
- and Superior Technology Adoption
Pictured at the CIO Leaders' Summit event in Croke Park, June 2022 are l-r; Darren Clarke - Head of Customer Success, OpenSky, Caitriona McGuckian - Assistant Principal ICT, DCEDIY and Meagan Ni Chuirc - Higher Executive Officer, ICT & Procurement Unit, DCEDIY.

Client: Dublin Region Homeless Executive
Solution: Pathway Accommodation Support System (PASS)
The Dublin Region Homeless Executive (DRHE) is a specialist shared service support unit provided by Dublin City Council (DCC). This organisation works with a range of voluntary and statutory homeless service providers to implement the Dublin Region Homeless Action Plan and the ‘Pathway to Home’ model of homeless, housing, and support provision.
Dublin Homelessness
PASS is an intuitive and modern shared system, with automated reporting, mobile accessibility, and extensive functionality that allows the DRHE and other local authorities to share the work they do which ensures that resources are used effectively by reducing duplication of effort to provide a continuum of care and integrated service delivery and effectively reducing homelessness.
Built by OpenSky in 2011, the PASS system provides statistical information on the homeless population profile and use of services, the information of which is used to monitor service delivery.
PASS has enabled widespread national collaboration between the DRHE, Local Authorities, Government Agencies & NGO's throughout the country, delivering an integrated service provision of housing to those in need.
Explore Emergency Accommodation Platform Services
Understand the functionality behind secure multi-agency access of a shared online platform.
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