Multi-module Portfolio of Healthcare e-Services, Streamlines HSE's Doctor Training, Development & Career Management
Universal Healthcare Administration Management Solution Case Study – Health Services Executive

Industry: Public Sector Government National Authority
Headquarters: Dublin, Ireland
Services: Healthcare, Human Resources, Career Management, Administration
The Challenge
The Solution
The Doctor's Integrated Management E-System (DIME) is a comprehensive centralised system, that enables trainee doctors and NCHDs to manage a wide range of their career, training, records etc., encompassing the National Doctors Training & Planning (NDTP), the Irish Medical Council, the Postgraduate Medical Training Bodies and Clinical Sites.
The Result
Centralised access to a range of records and databases allows seamless verification and background checks of certified, qualified healthcare professionals, with greater support for career development of trainee doctors. This ensures that key healthcare posts are filled with competent and accredited healthcare professionals.
Key Benefits of DIME
Doctors able to record and manage their training and administration electronically
The National Doctor’s Training and Planning (NDTP) leads in the provision of key information and analysis of the medical workforce and supports the Health Sector in planning for the appropriate levels of trained doctors in the future. This planning, in turn, guides NDTP’s work with the Postgraduate Medical Training Bodies to facilitate the development and promotion of training programmes to provide a skilled workforce that meets the current and future needs of the Health Service.
NDTP are responsible for specific areas in the Irish healthcare system.
1. Section 7 of the Health Act 2004 assigned specific accountability and responsibility to the HSE to facilitate the education and training of its employees, including medical practitioners.
2. The Medical Practitioners Act 2007 introduced a comprehensive system for the regulation of all medical practitioners, with a view to ensuring that they are appropriately qualified and competent to
practice medicine and deliver health services safely to the public to support the Health Sector in providing quality patient care.

The Situation
Every day in the HSE, Irish doctors, Non Consultant Hospital Doctors (NCHD's), and medical staff, manage the administration behind their careers, training, exams, and much more.
Many of these processes were done manually, through use of physical and paper-based logbooks, forms, and systems.
With over 100,000 employees, the HSE required a system that would streamline and simplify a broad range of HR, personnel management, training, and other processes across a number of subsidiary bodies, including National Doctors Training & Planning (NDTP), the Irish Medical Council, the Postgraduate Medical Training Bodies and Clinical Sites
The Solution
About The Doctor's Integrated Management E-System
The HSE’s multi-service Doctor's Integrated Management E-system, DIME, is a centralised system that encompasses National Doctors Training & Planning (NDTP), the Irish Medical Council, the Postgraduate Medical Training Bodies and Clinical Sites. It enables trainee doctors and NCHDs to manage a wide range of their career, training, records, and other administrative processes through one unified platform. Through the multiple modules on the platform, doctors can record and verify their career development, track clinical experience electronically, apply for training and refunds, manage their data, and be matched to suitable posts more quickly. There are approximately 500 service users that have access to some or all the DIME modules.

DIME Modules and Functionality
DIME is a multipartite collection of services, developed by OpenSky for the HSE. The system continues to be upgraded and developed on an ongoing basis.
Consultant Applications Portal (CAP)
New posts, replacement posts, and post changes are initiated through the CAP system, which gives users a faster way to complete, authenticate, submit, and track consultant application forms from commencement stage to approval online.
Clinical Course and Exam Refund Scheme (CCERS) Module
This module enables NCHDs, working in a HSE funded post, to claim reimbursement for the full cost of eligible courses or exams.
NCHD Post Matching Module
This module allows the registration, training, and employment details of NCHD's to be collected and shared in one central nationwide system.
Consultant Post Matching Module
This module enables the NDTP to create Consultant posts approved by the Consultant Applications Advisory Committee (CAAC). This allows employers to assign consultants to their respective posts and provide precise reporting and informed planning decisions.
ePortfolio Module
This is an electronic logbook for NCHD's who hold an NER account, to record and maintain all aspects of their career, progression and development. The ePortfolio feeds into the NER database, making it easier and faster to fill vacant healthcare posts with certified healthcare professionals.
Training Supports Module
The TSS extends the functionality of the DIME portal and facilitates Training Support application verification and management, providing a paperless, transparent, centralised system for training.
National Employment Record (NER)
NER enables trainee doctors and NCHD's to manage a wide range of their career, training, records, and other administrative processes through one unified platform.
NER Mobile App for Android and iOS
This mobile application allows NCHD's an easy way to access multiple parts of the DIME and NER systems via the Google Play store or the Apple store.
Occupational Health Module
This module enhanced the functionality of the NER portal to allow NCHD's to submit, update, and view their Occupational Health Data in a structured manner. It also extended functionality of the DIME Portal to facilitate Occupation Health Department (OHD) verification and management of Occupational Health Data.

National Employment Record (NER) - DIME Module
The NER App (one of the many DIME modules), enables NCHD's to interact virtually with Medical HR and Occupational Health Departments nationally in order to complete and upload pre-employment screening documentation prior to commencing a new post. NCHDs can also apply for funding under both the Training Supports Scheme and the Clinical Course Exam and Refund Scheme via the NER APP. More recently, all NCHDs now have access to an E-Portfolio module through their NER account. The E-Portfolio module gives NCHDs the opportunity to record their training and career development and have their experience validated by their Supervising Clinician/ Consultant where applicable. This functionality is also readily available on the NER App.

NDTP e-Portfolio wins "NCHD Project of the Year" at the Irish Medical Times Irish Healthcare Awards 2022
Key Technologies Used in this Solution

The Result
The Doctor’s Integrated Management E-System is a significant step forward for health services and doctors’ administration in Irish healthcare settings.
DIME provides doctors with a powerful suite of tools that allow them to manage & track their careers, training, exams, education funding and applications online. Cumulatively, DIME has saved hundreds of hours of time every year, for thousands of NCHDs and healthcare staff.
- Mobile accessibility for HR, healthcare, and training professionals
- High level of data & platform security
- Centralised data access for a wide range of healthcare organisations
- Extensive automation and ease of use for medical staff and supervisors
- Intuitive & accessible design
- Reduced technical debt and futureproof architecture.
- Greater accountability and easier verification of personnel clinical experience.
- Free and easy healthcare experience management for doctors.
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