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OpenSky Closes 2021 With Exciting New Customers


In 2021, OpenSky Data Systems welcomed a number of new customers  into the fold. We're very proud to announce these successful new partnerships and are looking forward to continuing our track record of world-class transformations to bring these businesses into a new world of optimised operations and competitiveness. 

The Health Research Board 

Health and Research Board Logo

Solution: The LINK system, the HRB’s primary platform for its four national health information systems. 

The HRB is a statutory agency of the Department of Health, and it is the lead agency in Ireland for supporting and funding health research. One of the core functions of the HRB is to collect, manage, and report on data in the areas of alcohol and drug treatment and deaths, disability and psychiatric admissions and discharges. It keeps detailed records in 4 primary systems:

  • National Drug Treatment Reporting System (NDTRS)
  • National Psychiatric Inpatient reporting System (NPIRS)
  • National Ability Supports System (NASS)
  • National Drug related Deaths Index (NDRDI)

In 2021 OpenSky was appointed as HRB’s partner to oversee maintenance, support, and hosting of LINK, to develop future additional modules, and to futureproof the HRB's platform and services.

The HRB's 4 key data systems are all components of a the single web-based .NET platform which is called LINK. OpenSky will be working to support the HRB and develop the LINK platform and new modules in order to enhance and future proof it’s use in Ireland.

Post Application Control System (PACS)

A Group Employment Control System for HR Healthcare

PACS (Post Application Control System) is a unique, custom-built, cloud-based central database and portal, that provides functionality to submit, edit, update & approve post applications, while providing traceability of all application data and related communications made by users at group & site levels.

The solution was built for the RCSI Hospital Group in 2021, as they required a solution to alleviate their group HR team and the wider HR function in their clinical sites, of the manual, time consuming processes within the application and approval process of up to 140 post applications every week, between the 7 hospital sites.

Rolled out in the RCSI Hospital Group in 2021, PACS has successfully increased productivity throughout the GECC post approval process, by reducing the processing times of managing posts by up to 3 days, while applying standardisation to processes managed by the HR team in the group, clinical sites & the HSE GECC team.RCSI Logo (1)

Following the success of PACS in RCSI, OpenSky welcomed new customers in 2021 of the Ireland East Hospital Group (Ireland’s largest hospital network which heads 11 hospitals) and  the Dublin Midland Hospital Group (partnered with Trinity College and comprises 7 hospitals) - with further interest from other groups in 2022.

IEHG logoDMHG logo

The Office of the Ombudsman

ireland ombudsman logo

Solution:  SIPO (Standards in Public Office) to CRM & Portal

The Office of the Ombudsman is an independent group that examines and investigates complaints from members of the public who believe they have been unfairly treated by certain public service providers. This organisation also has powers to investigate failures by public bodies to provide accessible buildings, services and information, under the Disability Act 2005.

The OMB have engaged OpenSky as their CRM Support and Development partner on a wide range of platform digitisation, modernisation, and automation requirements, including moving current manual paper-based processes entirely online.

Through OpenSky's work, the OMB will  solution will move the manual paper based processes entirely online, enabling elected members and public office appointees to register their Tax Certification status, make Statutory Declarations and submit Statements of Interest.

The Competition and Consumer Protection Commission

CCPC logo

Solution: Dynamics CRM Support and Development

The Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) is the statutory body responsible for promoting compliance with, and enforcing, competition and consumer protection law in Ireland. The CCPC governs over and enforces more than 40 legislative instruments, including product safety legislation to ensure open, fair, and competitive markets,  and to promote competition and highlight the interests of consumers.

In 2021, the CCPC engaged OpenSky to deliver support and development for its range of Customer Relations Management requirements through Support Services for a MS Dynamics-based CRM system. Through this support, the CCPC will be able to more easily communicate with and manage its large amounts of case work it generates through its public campaigns, professional engagement, and specialised hotlines. 


SGS logo

Solution: Support Services for the RSA Business Solutions Platform (BSP) & Commercial Vehicle Information System (CoVIS)

SGS is the world’s leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company with more than 93,000 employees spread out in a network of more than 2,600 offices and laboratories around the world.

The SGS performs a wide range of work related to ensuring that goods, services, and standards meet all relevant regulatory requirements, compliance needs, and professional stands, from transshipment goods quality and quantity assurance, and personnel and product assessment, to certification of production processes, to verification of compliance with global and local standards in complex supply chains.

This year, SGS partnered with OpenSky to support the continued growth, stability, security, and use of some of its key internal professional platforms. OpenSky will bring  more than a decade of support excellence to ensuring that the SGS's systems run reliable and securely around the clock.

Fingal County Council
Meath County Council
Tipperary County Council
Galway County Council


New County Council clients 2021 logos collage (1)

Solution: Choice Based Lettings platform

2021 saw the continued growth, success, and adoption of the highly effective Choice Based Lettings Platform into 4 new county councils. 

OpenSky′s Choice Based Lettings platform was specifically developed to help local authorities efficiently manage the CBL scheme where housing applicants can manage the application process through a self-service portal.

The platform enables social housing applicants to view and apply/bid for available social properties. It plays a vital role in reducing refusal rates by housing applicants as they are given the tools to choose the specific social housing criteria to meet their precise needs - before expressing their interest and making a bid.

30% of councils in Ireland have chosen to managed their Choice Based Lettings scheme via the platform developed by OpenSky, these are:

  • Clare County Council
  • Cork City Council
  • Cork County Council
  • Dun Laoghaire/Rathdown Council
  • Louth County Council
  • Fingal County Council
  • Galway City Council
  • Meath County Council
  • Tipperary County Council

To date, there have been over 3 million public logins, 3.5 million property views, and over 800k expressions of interest made on the platform by social housing applicants.