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OpenSky appoints new MS Cloud Practice Lead for best-in-class standards


Phani Kodali takes helm as OpenSky's Microsoft Cloud Practice Lead, bringing 9 years of development and QA expertise to inform and guide our MS and cloud-based tech teams with the current best practices.

OpenSky Data Systems is proud to announce the promotion of Phani Kodali to lead our MS Cloud teams, as our new MS Cloud Practice Lead. He joins our highly expert team of Practice Leads, who make our Digital Services Division, an arm of OpenSky that guarantees that our tech practices and tools continue to meet the requird industry standards.  

As MS Cloud Practice Lead, Phani takes the helm at everything related to understanding, refining, and delivering our wide range of MS Cloud services and solutions, customising them to fit customers’ existing tech, and ensuring that everything we do is in accordance with the best industry practices.

“My new role is all about making sure our MS Cloud products are efficient, modern, and built according to best practice,” said Phani. “I research tech advancements, guide our executive team on potential new practices, while perfecting the way we build MS products and solutions. I also find new talent, explore how to use new technologies, and make sure that OpenSky has everything it needs to be an MS Cloud product market leader.”

Phani brings over 9 years of OpenSky experience to his leadership, drawing on his MS in Cloud Computing and more than a decade of development and QA experience to ensure our MS Cloud-based solutions are the fastest, most optimal, and more secure they can be, and that we’re integrating them into customers’ organisations in ways that make a real difference to their business practices. He hopes that this rich variety of experience, and deep understanding of OpenSky and its clients, will enable him to learn and master new technologies, and understand their place in the way we digitise, automate, and improve our clients’ lives and business.

“Mastery and understanding of the technology that we and our clients use is critical. It goes beyond just knowing MS Cloud services like the back of my hand: you also need to havea deep deep understanding of legacy systems and how they connect with a multitude of different components, so that the result for the customer is as efficient as it can possible be".

Phani has set his sights and goals high for 2022.

“I have a strong drive to ensure that our team has the resources and expertise we need to do our work effectively. I hope to personally lead with mastering new tools and technologies, gain industry certifications in these tools, and take time to support my team as they learn and implement these new technologies in our wide range of services. I want to go into 2022 with the knowledge that our expertise is clear, and that we’re always improving through continuous learning.”