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How to Automate Your Most Common HR Work & HR Processes


By now, you probably know that automating your HR work is the key to better, more efficient, and happier human-first workplaces. However, figuring out where automation will fit into your organisation's specific workflows, practices, and policies isn't always so easy. Luckily, we have you covered: here are specific ways you can implement automation into your HR work that make your organisation a better, more human place to work. 

How Does RPA Work With HR? How Do I Automate my HR work?

Many HR leaders understand the vital role automation plays in leaner business. However, figuring out how automation fits into the details of your everyday work  and where, specifically, it can make your life (and work) easier  isn't always so straightforward.

When it comes to smart, strategic, and highly effective automation, we at OpenSky always recommend you start by taking a look at the specific tasks that you do very often in a workweek. Here's a few avenues for effective, high-value HR automation that we've identified in the past:

How to Automate CV Screening & Shortlisting

Programmed robots can crawl applicant CVs, vacancy applications, and other relevenat information to compare the information against a listed of job requirements. This allows you to pre-screen candidates, and automate qualifying/disqualifying notifications to applicants. Further functionality can populate all parts of this process pipeline, with portals that set up calendar events for interviews, share take-home tests, and trigger notifications/share critical documents with all stakeholders. 

How to Automate Employee Onboarding, Management, and Exiting

Automation truly shines at these kinds of repetitive, state- or time-triggered events. Automation can activate templates for the onboarding workflow of a new user account, send specific documents to new starters, assign specific credentials, process employee ID's, and more. They can also automatically provide business processes documentation, compliance standards, e-learning & training support via a new employee digital profile, created after they accept the job offer.

Finally, robotic process automation can predefine the exit stage processes by managing the generation of exit documents, revoking system access, completing final payroll, triggering communications to the finances department, and bank and final communications to the individual.

How to Automate Payroll Processing & Internal Purchasing or Costs

Punching numbers and sifting through endless invoices is about as fun as it is fast. That's to say, it isn't. With automation, you can easily streamline this time-consuming, once-a-month (or more) process. RPA can collect & connect data between multiple systems to automatically, verify employees hours worked, log overtime & missing hours, capture changes in taxes, and more – all eliminating the burden of cumbersome payroll processing and freeing up HR staff for other valuable work.

How to Automate Expense Management

There's a reason why bots and automation excel in the financial sector and banks: they're unbeatable when it comes to numbers. RPA and process automation can automatically extract data using a bot to scan receipts and populate data, apply rules to identify the type of submission, automatically generate all necessary letter, bills, invoices, and other such documents, and process or decline the claim. Simple and all with a single click. 

How to Automate Organisational Compliance

Automated systems can track and store all data points, documentation, licenses, tests, audits, and other such critical organisation documents, with automatic triggers and notifications for signature gathering, renewals, looming expirations, and more. What's more, these systems keep a spotless one-version-of-the-truth record of your company's dealings, making it quick and easy to submit necessary documents whenever inspections, document submission requests, or audits appear.

How to Automate Employee Data Management and Performance Management.

RPA solutions can quicky integrate with existing systems, document repositories, and CRM solutions to make it easier than ever to do all the work that crops up in an average day dealing with employees and staff. With this, you no longer need to manually generate important documents that employees need (for example Proof of Employment letters, offer letters, contracts, and more). Such platforms also pave the way for smart KPI and performance analysis tools, which can make it easy to identify high-value employees to target for retention, or find avenues where improvement is needed.

This system could automatically trigger and send notifications, set goals, select rewards and incentives, and remove the time and effort needed to ensure your staff are happier and stay with you in the long term. 


Figuring out how your digital transformation plans or automation ideas fit into the work you do can be a challenge; let us help you do it. With our track record of delivering highly effective HR Automation solutions to some of Ireland's largest hospital groups and national healthcare organisations, we can help you identify work that you can automate fast and easily for a smoother workday for all. 

Book A Complimentary 30min HR RPA Consultation


Now you know what specific common HR tasks and work you will be able to automate and streamline with RPA. But if you're planning on implementing an HR Automation solution, what technologies and features should it have, and what specific benefits can it bring to your workforce? Find out in our next blog, which will give you a detailed examination of the critical features your HR Solution needs to have at its core, and what the benefits of HR Automation could be for you. Follow our blog or sign up for our newsletter to catch this upcoming article as soon as it's out.